What it means to have an allotment plot
Application for a plot
Application for associate membership
Where we are
More about BEAS
Bournemouth East Allotment Society Limited is based in Southbourne, Bournemouth located n the middle of residential housing. As a self managed allotment site and a not-for-profit organisation, the allotments are reliant on an unpaid Management Committee and a team of willing volunteers. Rents for the plots are modest and fund raising is an important part of what we do.
The land was given to the local authority in 1919 and specified that it should be used for allotments. As such, it means we are considered Statutory Allotments which gives us some protection from the land being used for any other purpose. First registered as an Industrial & Provident Society in 1935, we have managed our own affairs for a long time.
Since 1935, the popularity of allotments has waxed and waned but currently interest is high and our waiting lists fairly long. With the growing popularity of plant based diets, the desire to reduce the carbon footprint by eating fruit and vegetables that are in season, and the recognised benefits to health and well-being, that interest is unlikely to change soon.

Voted Best Site in Bournemouth
Our membership is made up of people of all ages and background and we are particulalrly pleased to have more families and young people 'working the plots'. BEAS also promotes Associate Membership which allows people to access any community events and the Allotment Shop and facilities, even though they don't have an allotment plot.
The site has evolved from a tumbledown shed in the corner of the plots to a well-kept site with a 'Big Green Shed' which houses our shop, a community area and toilets (a much needed luxury only built in 2007!). We now have a number of raised beds for people with disabilities. Other facilities and services to plotholders have continued to improve. We encourage involvement with the local community and groups of children from local schools and nurseries visit regularly.
We are very proud of our place in the local community and that we have been voted best Allotment Site in Bournemouth many times since 2016.

Applying for a Plot
To apply for one of our plots you must live in the Bournemouth Area.
Please read the What it means to have an Allotment Plot which outlines the type of plots you can apply for and what is expected from tenants. If you still feel this is for you then click on the application form below.
We currently have more than 200 on our waiting list so you may have to wait some time but please do not let that put you off!
People's circumstances can change for all sorts of reasons or they might move to a different area, so you may get to the top quicker than you think.
Become an Associate Member
You can stay in touch with BEAS by becoming an Associate Member. You may not have an Allotment but we would love to encourage you to grow what you can in your flower borders, on your balcony or hanging baskets. As an Associate Member, you will have access to:
- The Allotment Shop and Click and Collect
- Quarterly newsletters
- Invitations to social events
- Subsidised Trips to places like RSH Wisley
- Free entry to the Open Morning
The membership fee is £5 per year payable on joining, renewable on 1st October each year.